Ahmad Abdi

a.abdi1 [at] lse [dot] ac [dot] uk
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics
London School of Economics and Political Science

Short bio:
I joined the Mathematics Department at LSE as a tenure-track assistant professor in July 2018, and promoted to associate professor with tenure in August 2023. I obtained my PhD degree in Mathematics at the University of Waterloo under the supervision of Bertrand Guenin; the title of my dissertation was "Ideal Clutters" and the defence was in April 2018. I was a postdoctoral fellow at Carnegie Mellon University working with Gérard Cornuéjols from May 2018 to August 2019. If you need my CV, please contact me.

Short research statement:
My research expertise are broadly in Combinatorial Optimization, Integer and Linear Programming, Matroid Theory, and Graph Theory. More specifically, the focus of my research so far has been the study of Ideal Clutters, a polyhedrally defined class of objects with deep connections to the areas mentioned, and its applications. The Flowing Conjecture and the τ=2 Conjecture, and more generally the unsolved problems in the book "Combinatorial Optimization: Packing and Covering" (SIAM 2001), have shaped my research career. My research interests overlap with those of Gérard Cornuéjols and Bertrand Guenin, and the former research interests of Paul Seymour.

I have received an EPSRC New Investigator Award (2023-2026) to focus on new perspectives towards Woodall's conjecture and the generalised Berge-Fulkerson conjecture. See this page for more on the project.

Full list of preprints and publications

Ideal Clutters, Ph.D. Dissertation.
Selected Publications
  • On packing dijoins in digraphs and weighted digraphs (pdf, talk)
      Abdi, Cornuéjols, and Zlatin
      SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 37(4):2417-2461 (2023)
  • Total dual dyadicness and dyadic generating sets (extended abstract, pdf)
      Abdi, Cornuéjols, Guenin and Tunçel
      Mathematical Programming 206:125-143 (2024)
      Extended abstract appeared in IPCO 2022, LNCS 13265, pp. 1-14
  • Clean tangled clutters, simplices, and projective geometries (pdf)
      Abdi, Cornuéjols and Superdock
      Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 154:60-92 (2022)
  • Resistant sets in the unit hypercube (pdf)
      Abdi, Cornuéjols and Lee
      Mathematics of Operations Research 46(1):82-114 (2020)
  • Intersecting restrictions in clutters (pdf)
      Abdi, Cornuéjols and Lee
      Combinatorica 40:605–623 (2020)
  • Cuboids, a class of clutters (pdf, code)
      Abdi, Cornuéjols, Guričanová and Lee
      Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 142:144-209 (2020)
  • Ideal clutters that do not pack (pdf)
      Abdi, Cornuéjols and Pashkovich
      Mathematics of Operations Research 43(2):533-553 (2018)
  • The minimally non-ideal binary clutters with a triangle (pdf, talk)
      Abdi and Guenin
      Combinatorica 39(4): 719-752 (2019)
  • Packing odd T-joins with at most two terminals (extended abstract, pdf, talk)
      Abdi and Guenin
      Journal of Graph Theory 87:587-652 (2018)
      Extended abstract appeared in IPCO 2014, LNCS 8494, pp. 1-12
Selected Teaching
Some other links
Last update was on September 13, 2024.